Who says a makeover has to wait until January 1st? At Gotransverse, we're thrilled to be getting a jump start on "New Year, New You" updates with a new and improved user interface (UI) experience for our customers.

The crux of this update is that our GTV 1.0 user interface now matches the style and layout of the GTV 2.0 user interface. The consistent look and feel across all applications provide users with a single, uniform platform that is easy to navigate without switching between interfaces.

Internal and external customers alike have been asking for an improved UI experience, and we are happy to deliver this change with our final release of 2022.

What’s New in the Updated UI?

All the GTV 1.0 applications users are familiar with continue to function exactly the same as they always have—so no worries about a steep pre-holiday learning curve. Neither have any of the security or access control capabilities changed, so our clients’ accounts—and the customer information in it—are as secure as ever.

However, we made some changes to the look and feel to provide a more streamlined, cohesive, and intuitive experience. Here are a few highlights:

  1. Navigation Bar — Instead of keeping them on the old dashboard, we've added the GTV 1.0 applications to the lower half of the application menu.
  2. Module Menu — No more dropdown menus, either. The modules for each application are now listed in the window after the application has been selected from the application menu.
  3. Documentation — Clients can quickly and easily access user and API guides quickly and easily by clicking the question mark icon in the window's top right corner.
  4. Open UI 2.0 — The link to open GTV 2.0 was removed. All applications can be accessed from the application menu.

The login and error pages were also restyled to match GTV 2.0 and further improve the user experience, and even better, users only need to use one login URL to access GTV 1.0 or GTV 2.0

Take a look for yourself:


Old UI photo 2021


NEW UI 2022

For more details, check out the Gotransverse 10 User Guide!

More About the Gotransverse Platform

The user interface is, of course, just one part of our robust platform. After all, Gotransverse offers a full suite of pricing, billing, and revenue management capabilities that keep the principles of intelligent billing front and center in your day-to-day to improve operations across departments such as finance, operations, product, and IT. Gotransverse is a complete billing and monetization solution with comprehensive features, including usage and rating, billing and invoicing, and revenue management capabilities.

In addition, a suite of Gotransverse Add-on Products enables usage-based business models with technology solutions to fine-tune the quote-to-cash process, from order augmentation and discounting to tax and data mediation and our Premier Access. This update allows clients to customize the platform further with dedicated instances and direct reporting capabilities.

Once you've looked at the new UI, if you're inspired to learn more, we'd love to show off a little bit for you. You can take a virtual tour of our platform here, exploring both the core Gotransverse functionalities and the extras. Then, when you’re ready to dig into how Gotransverse can support your business, specifically, we invite you to request a complimentary, customized demo. One of our experts would be happy to walk you through our platform and processes.