It’s been a banner year for Gotransverse, and we’re thrilled to share another recent award. At this year’s CNP Expo, we were given the Judge’s Choice Award for Best Subscription/Recurring Billing Program.

The Expo

The CNP Expo brings together payments professionals, along with fraud fighters and risk management experts to help them develop the tools and knowledge they need to provide great value for their clients. With more than 40 panels, case studies and keynote presentations from industry experts, it’s a dynamic opportunity for attendees to build their industry knowledge and hone their expertise.

The Award

The Judge’s Choice Award honors vendors with outstanding solutions in the card-not-present (CNP) payment processing market, and Gotransverse was recognized for powering “the most stable and reliable dynamic billing relationships between enterprise organizations and consumers.” We were also recognized for our highly configurable cloud platform that enables customers to speed time to market and the detailed reporting and ratings features that give them clear, detailed insight into billing and payment processes.

Here’s what the judges had to say about us:

“Gotransverse is recognized as one of the world’s most reliable, respected and agile monetization platforms that delivers intelligent billing for smart business, providing cost-effective flexible pricing and intelligent billing offerings. Gotransverse powers the most stable and reliable dynamic billing relationships between enterprise organizations and their consumers. The centralized cloud platform is highly configurable, which allows for targeted, blended and bundled product packaging that gets clients to market smarter and faster.”

As a company whose mission is to help our clientsincrease revenue by implementing subscription- and consumption-based pricing on a massive scale, we’re thrilled at this recognition.

“The combination of subscription and usage-based billing can be incredibly complicated, especially in a global online economy. We have designed Gotransverse to address real-world transaction problems such as CNP, and receiving recognition from industry professionals with this CNP Award is great validation for the value of our agile billing platform.” - Brian Rohde, Vice President of Customer Success for Gotransverse.

Thanks to CNP for recognizing the work we do here at Gotransverse to help our clients increase their bottom lines! But if your organization is looking to adopt a billing platform to boost business, don’t just take CNP’s word for it! Contact us today to schedule your complimentary, personalized demo.