Rob: Hi David. Welcome to Gotransverse. So, let’s cut to the chase. What first sparked your interest in the company?

David: Hey, Rob. Since we’re being candid, it was the email from you, Rob Lowe. I saw the name in my LinkedIn and I wasn’t sure if it was cool DirectTV Rob Lowe, creepy Rob Lowe, muscle Rob Lowe…how could I not respond?!

Rob: Well, heh, it was none of those. Just me.

David: It was enough to start a conversation. I had no expectation and, quite frankly thought it would go nowhere.

Rob: But now you’re here. Why?

David: I am here. As I talked with the team, I became more and more excited about what I was seeing. I’ve been around the software, accounting and ERP space 20 some odd years now, and this is something different.

Rob: Nice. Tell me more about why you joined?


David: I found the product to be powerful and innovative, solving a problem that’s only growing as subscriptions and usage-based billing becomes the norm. Equally as important, I saw immediately how partners could benefit, with an executive team that sees nothing but benefits with adding all sorts of partners – integration, technology, referrals and resellers.

Rob: What gives you the authority to say that?

David: I don’t know about authority, but I’ve worked with channels my whole career. Sage North America, Microsoft, and my previous company, Intacct; I’ve seen and experienced what works well and what doesn’t. I am excited to bring that to Gotransverse.

Rob: So, from a channel perspective, what do you see?

David: This is a term used too much, but this is greenfield, man. In my years in the space I’ve never seen anything like this solution for accounting – or CRM for that matter. It’s cloud-based, sits between the ERP and CRM systems, and has a ton of upside in services. This is something partners can make a lot of hay with.

Rob: A lot of hay…?

David: Money, bucks, dinero… Let me sum it up. The product is in an emerging market that solves a real need, and is competitive, robust and stable. It’s sandwiched between partners' core business of ERP and/or CRM. It’s a natural extension of their business that I’m not sure they realize is there for the taking!

Rob: But what about conflict with executives, or direct sales? Won’t that be an issue?

David: See, that’s the cool thing, and what I’m most excited about. And also why I joined. The executives – and everyone from R&D, Sales, Implementation, Marketing, you name it – embrace channel. They don’t see it as a threat – but as an opportunity to tackle the market together.

Rob: By what you are saying, Gotransverse should have partners banging down their doors. How are you going to build the channel?

David: Well, we do need to be selective. We are not a one-size-fits-all and not a company that you can partner with by simply paying a fee. We are going to team with partners that embrace the cloud, are known for their positive reputation with customer service and experience, and quite frankly, partners I trust.

Rob: You gave up big company life – Sage, Microsoft, Intacct – to come here. Why?

David: Like I said, I’ve seen it all. To be a part of a company that is full of industry veterans across all departments, yet who are nimble and responsive, is a beautiful thing. Heck, we’re like stretchy pants! We’re not rigid in our rules. We can adapt to the partner, and we want partners who can adapt to us. We don’t want to dilute a partner’s business, but rather be a supportive additive.

Rob: What is one thing you didn’t expect walking in here that you think is important for potential partners to know?

David: The speed, flexibility, and urgency around getting things done. For example, I needed a partner piece for an upcoming tradeshow. In the past, I had to make a request, wait a few weeks, check in on it, etc. This place turned it around in a matter of days. I’m not saying every request will be like that, especially with product, but the fact that this is an adept and get-it-done environment is something partners need to understand, and embrace as well.