One of the biggest keys to successful operations, billing, and client relationships is transparency. Do internal users know what’s going on with accounts, products, and workflows? Can customers track their account status — and important changes?

With the Gotransverse Action Framework, the answer is yes. The Action Framework powers Gotransverse’s notification management system, which initiates internal or external workflows and notifications to automate your organization’s standard processes and communications. In other words, when it comes to billing activities, the Action Framework keeps employees and clients informed — simultaneously.

What this Means

While, once upon a time, notifying clients and teams of account changes, special offers or billing activities was a manual process, that manual process has likely stopped working quite so well as the business has grown, leading to delays, errors, and confusion in workflows and communication. However, the Action Framework automates both the workflows and the communication to ensure that, no matter how many customers your business gains or how varied and complex the billing models become, key players have access to all the information they need and the billing wheels keep on turning.

For clients, this means receiving alerts when something in their account needs attention — such as when the credit card on file has expired, they’ve almost reached their usage limit or an invoice is overdue — or when their favorite products and services go on sale.

For internal teams, this means the CRM is automatically updated when a user’s subscription is about to expire, alerting sales teams to reach out to them about renewing (or, even better, triggering an automated renewal outreach workflow). It means alerts about orders, payments, overdue invoices, and more. And it means resting assured that everyone has full transparency into billing processes and workflows are moving forward as designed.

How It Works

You can read more about the ins and outs of the Action Framework in our documentation, but in short, here’s the process:

The Action Framework enables you to select triggers (end of subscriptions, consumption thresholds, overdue invoices, refunds, etc.) and associate them with actions (FTP or email notifications, approval operations, and more). Triggers are events that occur in Gotransverse, and actions take place within Gotransverse or, with the help of a simple API, through external systems.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of the notifications that can be triggered through the Action Framework:

  • Account Notifications: credit card expirations, status changes
  • Payment Notifications: refunds, one-time payments, auto-payments, credit adjustments, remaining amount due
  • Invoice Notifications: invoice ready, invoice overdue
  • Sales Order Notifications: receipts, orders, renewal orders
  • Product Notification Actions: New product sale, replacement, add/remove service resource ID, service status change
  • Service Agreement Notifications Actions: days to agreement end
  • Usage Rule Notification Actions: threshold met
  • Custom Field Notifications
  • System Notifications

And to really bring the process to life, let’s take a look at a couple examples.

New Product Sale

Consider a new product sale. The customer’s purchase starts a sales workflow that marks the deal as closed/won in the CRM and creates a new customer account and passes a Bill of Goods to Gotransverse. The action framework can then trigger an automated welcome email to the customer and start the fulfillment process to ensure the customer receives their goods or services efficiently. And all with maximum visibility and minimal manual interference.

Usage Threshold Met

Or envision a situation in which a customer has paid upfront for a certain amount of usage. They’ll need to know when they’re approaching that ceiling so they can decide whether to purchase more access. The Action Framework makes this easy. When the customer hits a certain point (90 percent, for this example), that triggers a notification to Gotransverse, and then two things happen: the Gotransverse platform triggers an email to the client alerting them that they’re about to hit their usage threshold, and at the same time, creates a task or opportunity in the CRM, alerting the sales team that this client may need some outreach (or, potentially, triggering an automated nurture workflow).

To learn more about how the Gotransverse Action Framework works seamlessly within the platform to enhance our clients’ billing processes, improve their customer relationships and boost their bottom lines, we invite you to call us today to schedule your complimentary, personalized demo.