Our goal is to support each client’s business growth with a platform that’s configurable to their unique needs — without the costs or maintenance responsibilities of fully custom-built software. And because no two customer’s billing needs are the same, we do that through extensibility, a software design principle that provides for personalization and future growth.

At Gotransverse we talk about a thing that we call the “rings of extensibility,” which means how we structure our product design to ensure that every customer has access to our core features and functionalities along with the ability to add microservices, custom fields and more to truly meet their platform needs. To get more specific, let’s break it down below.

The Four Rings of Extensibility

The central ring encompasses all of the Gotransverse platform’s core features. These are items like payment gateways, tax gateways and other features that are central to the code underlying the platform.

On the next ring, we have our microservices, the default interfaces that are the foundation of Gotransverse’s flexibility. Software applications were traditionally developed in a monolithic way, with every function intertwined so that any update, fix or enhancement required that the whole application be taken apart and put back together. But that method doesn’t lend itself to flexibility. Instead, the Gotransverse platform is built on microservices. This essentially means our products major features are broken down into groups, allowing them to operate independently from each other. This means we can update and add to certain features without impacting others, and it also means customers can pick and choose the features they need and avoid loading themselves down with unnecessary capabilities.

The third ring is where users start to configure these functionalities to their needs. This is the “sensibility” ring, which makes sense of our core services and microservices to automate processes and structure operations with business-specific logic tailored to individual customers.

And finally, the fourth and outermost ring comprises the interfaces that connect the Gotransverse platform to other systems — clients’ existing third-party systems or custom software — to ensure all the platforms driving business operations are functioning in sync with one another. This piece is critical because, for a business to run like a well-oiled machine, the systems that power it need to be on the same page. Different activities may be handled by different systems, but they each impact one another. A billing event may trigger a notification to kick off a drip campaign or nudge a salesperson to follow up with a client, for example. If the systems that manage those processes — the CRM, CPQ, ERP, and others — aren’t fully integrated, they’ll require significant manual intervention to overcome gaps, redundancies, and other errors. Eventually, this will lead to mismanaged orders, incorrect invoices, and unrecognized revenue, for starters. (Not to mention all the wasted human resources.)

Extending Our Extensibility Capabilities

Our four rings of extensibility provide Gotransverse users with unprecedented customization opportunities for an off-the-shelf software solution, but they’re just the beginning.

As we continue to improve the platform, we plan to continue offering the same opportunities, but we also want to hand over more power to individual customers, building something like ad dev studio for users to build and implement their own extensions. (Don’t worry — you won’t need to be a software engineer to customize your billing platform!) Our roadmap also offers an extensible user interface that empowers clients to tailor the full billing experience to their specific needs.

To learn more about Gotransverse’s extensibility (along with our system’s many other powerful features), take a look at our extensibility page. And when you’re ready to implement a billing platform that will empower your business growth, give us a call to schedule your complimentary, personalized demo.