The Winter ‘18 Gotransverse platform release focuses on product innovation, accelerating time to revenue and business integration with the latest in Dunning, usage rule improvements and upgrades to our Tax, Scheduler, Mediation, microservices and more.

“Complex pricing doesn’t just impact billing, it impacts the full Quote-to-Cash process” says James Messer, CEO of Gotransverse. “The Winter ‘18 platform release incorporates enhancements to ensure our customers’ monetization needs are met through our configurable, agile, intelligent billing platform.”

The Winter ‘18 release features include:

  • Enhanced Dunning Capabilities: Tiered Dunning plans to assist with Collections
  • Scheduler Microservice: A new microservice for automation Dunning, Usage Mediation Service and ERP runs.
  • Tax Exemption Groups: Groups to easily organize and ensure that billing accounts are exempted from either state, local or other taxes.
  • Usage Rules Improvements: Usage rules now have a charge category override, data entry on global rules and custom usage event charges.
  • Improved Backdating: Enables input of backdated accounts, order, and approval within a closed period.
  • Upgraded Billing Account Hierarchy: Manage all accounts in a hierarchy in a single step.
  • Google Ad Manager Mediation: Usage Mediation Services have been extended to include Google Ad Manager (formerly Google Doubleclick for Publishers).

To learn more, please reach out to our Customer Success team at

Doug Johnson is the Director of Product Management at Gotransverse. When he's not working on the Gotransverse platform he is rooting for University of Michigan sports, spending time with his family and is an avid photographer.