It is likely that your business operates on a foundation of several different systems. Different products have different specialties, so it only makes sense that you would combine the tools that give you the best solution to meet your needs.

But do those systems all play well together?

If your combination of disparate systems doesn’t integrate seamlessly with one another, you’ll be wasting a bunch of time and effort, reducing the value you get from each product. Soon enough, your team will be spending more time juggling platforms than doing their jobs.

Take, for example, billing. If an opportunity is converted into a customer, you don’t want to have to reenter in all their information in your billing solution. There may be different activities that happen during the customer relationship, like your analytics tell you that a customer is about to churn, where you may want to send notice back to your CRM to have a sales person follow up. Likewise, a good integration on the backend of your billing, should enable you to do things like take high volume of activity on your invoices and aggregate in a way that your ERP can more easily digest it.

Get this wrong and when the systems that handle these tasks (the CRM, CQP, Billing, and ERP, just to name a few) don’t speak the same language, that leads to mismanaged orders, incorrect invoices and unrecognized revenue. The customers — and your bottom line — start to notice.

In order for your finance department to function like the well-oiled machine, you need to be able to connect your individual systems to eliminate the redundancies and inconsistencies that come with manual platform coordination. Fortunately, there’s a system for that.

Connecting Your Front & Back Office With Gotransverse

The Gotransverse intelligent billing platform is designed specifically to plug into your existing systems, bridging the gap between front and back offices by eliminating operational silos and automating workflows between systems. The result: heightened accuracy, faster processes and happier customers. With Gotransverse extensibility, rating, billing, and reporting are fast, scalable, and simple.

Here’s a peek at some of the features that make it happen:


The Gotransverse API is embedded into your application and enables you to connect to other products and process by pulling data and information into Gotransverse or pushing it into other systems. This well-structured, granular API provides the endpoints you need to fully manage service and product monetization.

Want to take a look at the technical details? Check out our guide to getting started with the Gotransverse API.


The old-school way to develop software was to create monolithic applications whose functions were all intertwined, which meant that any update, fix or enhancement required that the whole application be taken apart and put back together. The old way doesn’t lend itself to much flexibility or growth. But the Gotransverse platform is built on microservices, meaning that the product is broken into groups where major features and functions operate independently from the rest, making it easier to update and add on to.

Learn more about microservices here.

Connector Service

The Gotransverse connector service allows you to connect front and back office tools like ERPs, EDIs, CRMs, and more. This “plug and play” option makes integrations easy and allows flexible data transfer among the third-party systems you’re using now, as well as any additional ones you may adopt in the future. And the best part? There’s no need for programming or customization!

Learn more about the Gotransverse connector service.


One of the biggest challenges of managing siloed systems is keeping the workflows running the way they’re supposed to. But Gotransverse uses the Action Framework — an intelligent workflow triggering system — to prompt email notifications and web-service calls to external systems based on the rules you defined. From internal notifications to trigger different actions to external notifications outside of your billing solution, these automated internal and external notifications keep the wheels turning.

Learn more about the Action Framework.

Data Extensibility

Because no two billing setups are the same—and no two preconfigured systems capture the same data—Gotransverse makes it easy to add user-defined fields to collect all the information you need for billing execution, tracking, and reporting. Capture the exact data you need, at the individual and account level, about customer details, product preferences, payment methods, and more.

Integrations & Partnerships

Finally, Gotransverse offers a robust suite of prebuilt integrations with some of the top partners in the marketplace, including Salesforce, Workday, Oracle, Netsuite, Avalara, and many more. These partnerships mean we can provide your organization with the integration it needs to streamline every facet of your operations. You can do everything you need to do all in one place, without sacrificing the features and functionalities you love or worrying about the data gaps and redundancies so common to disconnected system networks.

Meet some of our integration partners.

If your organization is ready to enhance your billing processes and streamline your systems, we invite you to learn more out more about Gotransverse’s platform and extensibility features. Take a tour of the Gotransverse platform today, and call us to schedule your complimentary, personalized demo.