The key factor to achieving a successful ROI is being able to measure and realize the results. Does the ROI and business case developed during discovery actually play out? In an earlier post in this series, we talked about how ROI models are a critical step for the buying process because they show financial feasibility of the project. During that step in the journey (Value Discovery), assumptions must be made due to the inherent unknowns. Once the enterprise billing transformation takes place your company needs to measure how well the transformation is living up to its business potential. This is what we call Value Realization and is delivered as part of Gotransverse Customer Success.

When customers exit the implementation phase and move into customer success, as a steady-state client of Gotransverse, your value journey does not end. In fact, it’s really just beginning. We continue to focus on our customers’ success by helping them realize value – both from the initial launch, and then continuously overtime as your business objectives change and grow.

The Value Evolution Map

During the transition from the buying cycle and the implementation cycle our client’s teams often change. A similar change can occur from implementation to full launch. Additional users enter the picture, certain subject matter experts may roll off the project, and steady-state ownership of the cloud billing solution settles in. Ensuring business alignment with these stakeholders is critical to the ongoing value realization of your transformation. This alignment helps mitigate the potential knowledge loss, ensures a seamless transition, and provides continuous focus on solving the right business and technical problems. Leveraging Value Framing addresses all these challenges and ensures ongoing business value provided by the Gotransverse solution.

We carry forward the value objectives uncovered during Value Framing as guiding principles that identify ways to measure and continuously report on value realization. This value-based business strategy doesn’t stop here! Having the insights to your broader organizational objectives, we can seek out additional solutions, enhancements, and adjustments that drive more and more benefit to the business. It allows us to engage in more meaningful conversations that can enable your business to grow.

Stay Relevant in a Changing Business Landscape

We know that the value objectives we jointly identify in the initial transformation will change over time. As they should. Your business is not static; it evolves, expands, and contracts as your operating environment changes. Once we demonstrate measurable success on the initial set of objectives, we continue to engage with your team on the next set of business goal. Whether it’s a new business strategy, a new product launch, a new pricing model, or global expansion, your business changes and your enterprise billing software needs to adapt accordingly. Our Value Management Office is available to help you think through changes and our processes ensure that we are continuously and proactively engaged so we are constantly looking for ways to add more value to your business.

Craft a Winning Strategy for Value Growth

At Gotransverse, we believe that billing can be a competitive advantage! Regardless of your business model or stage of your enterprise, we can help identify areas of refinement and enhancement that will give you a competitive edge, reduce operating costs, and improve your customer experience. Our objective remains to ensure your billing system becomes a consistent source of competitive advantage. Whatever your goals, you can count on us to deliver thorough, personalized, result-driven solutions with a value-based strategy. Talk to one of our Business Value consultants today to begin your billing transformation journey with Gotransverse.